
The highway safety triangle model (engineering, education and enforcement) for increasing traffic safety has proven effective for many years. The three elements contribute directly to traffic safety, including that of pedestrians and bicyclists. Without properly designed trails and roadways, pedestrian, bicyclist and motorist safety can fail. Good design encourages good behavior.

Pedestrians and bicyclists want to go to the same places motorists do – to work and school, to parks, to the mall, the grocery store, the bank, etc. – but proper roadway design is needed to create safe and enjoyable streets and trails. Engineering is critical to protecting these sustainable travelers and increasing their numbers.

Bring WE BIKE in at the planning stage to consult on trail and roadway designs, or to aid in the assessment of existing facilities – on road or off.   Whether before, during or after a project is completed, WE BIKE offers pedestrian and bicycle facility recommendations and suggestions for grant opportunities like Safe Routes to Schools. WE BIKE’s planning and engineering services will help integrate walking and bicycling for a healthier community.


  • Developing a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
  • Designing for Pedestrian Safety
  • Planning and Engineering for Walking and Bicycling in Traffic
  • Walking & Bicycling Workshops
  • Road Hazard Identification Project