Advocacy & Encouragement
The presence of pedestrians and bicyclists in a community is a strong indicator of the health of the community. In addition to proper engineering, education and enforcement, WE BIKE helps create an encouraging environment for walking and bicycling when working with local bicycle clubs, government agencies and advocacy groups.
Partnerships with public health, school districts and communities encourages participation in national walk and bike to school days to help get communities more active.

Kid’s Bike Club
WE BIKE can help start a kid’s bike club – a way to teach a bicycle safety course to children in a fun, club environment. It encourages children to ride and explore their community safely by bicycle.
Local Bicycle Club
Members of local bicycle clubs are great advocates for encouraging bicycling – and WE BIKE can bring professional expertise to help mobilize active citizens to branch out through membership drives, club rides, educational activities and promotional work.
Public Service Announcements/Public Relations Campaigns
Need to get the word out? WE BIKE can help with safety campaigns, awareness campaigns, or highlight the good things already happening.
Advocacy Groups
As an active member of many national bicycle and pedestrian advocacy groups, WE BIKE has connections in all the right places! WE BIKE helps broaden influence in communities.
Commuter Programs
Need more bicycle commuters? WE BIKE works with employers, clubs, schools, advocacy organizations and government agencies to encourage and promote bicycle commuting to work, school, shopping – everywhere citizens want to go.

Government Agencies
WE BIKE works with planning and engineering departments, public works departments, health departments, the department of natural resources, parks and recreation departments and law enforcement agencies to encourage walking and bicycling in communities.
Safe Routes to Schools
WE BIKE has experience performing site surveys for walking and bicycling to school (Engineering); training for children, parents and school staff (Education); and enforcement of laws to improve walking and bicycling safety in school zones (Enforcement). WE BIKE works with local SRTS coordinators to encourage participation.