
The highway safety triangle model (engineering, education and enforcement) for increasing traffic safety has proven itself effective for many years. The three elements contribute directly to traffic safety, including pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. With proper law enforcement of pedestrian, biking and motorists laws, crashes can be prevented and lives can be saved.

Law enforcement officers don’t enforce laws that they don’t know and they don’t enforce laws that they can’t defend – yet they are the only people who enforce laws, for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, to improve safety.

Because officers are in contact with pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists on a daily basis, they are in a unique position to assist with and add credibility to community efforts to encourage walking and bicycling and improve overall safety.

Most officers have never received any pedestrian and bicycle specific training and do not know the leading causes of pedestrian and bicycle crashes in their community. WE BIKE’s goal is to prevent crashes and enhance traffic safety. Pedestrians and bicyclists are the weakest members of the traffic environment and they deserve protection, especially when they are following the law.

WE BIKE provides essential law enforcement expertise to ensure proper training for pedestrian and bicycle safety.

More than 80% of pedestrian and bicycle crashes with motor vehicles involve less than twenty different violations of the law. If officers enforce correct pedestrian, bicyclist and motorists behaviors, they will prevent crashes before they happen.

WE BIKE’s law enforcement training allows for better enforcement for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. Heightened awareness among law enforcement officers of these violations can lead to better enforcement of laws, modeling of good behaviors, recognizing and taking advantage of teachable moments with pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists.

WE BIKE has developed a unique training program for law enforcement  – starting with a basic introduction of pertinent concepts and statutes in an easy-to-read pamphlet to a full two-day course and everything in between. WE BIKE helps determine the right training strategy for each community.

What are the main causes of crashes? How can they be prevented?

WE BIKE offers courses specifically designed for training law enforcement officers:

  • Continuum of Training in Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety for Law Enforcement
  • Enforcement for Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety
  • Enforcement for Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety – Instructor Course
  • Wisconsin Pedestrian & Bicycle Law Enforcement Training
  • Pedestrian & Bicycle Training for Law Enforcement Rangers
  • Enforcement for Safe Routes to School
  • Community Oriented Bicycle Safety for Law Enforcement
  • Community Oriented Bicycle Safety for Law Enforcement – Instructor Courses
  • Enforcement for Bicycle Safety
  • Enforcement for Pedestrian Safety
  • Bicycle Patrol Training
“The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill contracted with WE BIKE, etc. in 2012 and 2013 to facilitate several training courses for law enforcement officers, as part of the Watch for Me NC pedestrian safety program (www.watchformenc.org). 

We are very thankful to the WE BIKE, etc. staff for their expertise and professionalism in offering these courses and assisting us in building the capacity of our local law enforcement officers to make a stronger impact in improving the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and all road users.”

Laura Sandt

Senior Research Associate, UNC Highway Safety Research Center, NC